Trailer Training

Trailer Training

Trailer Training (or Re-Training) Using Positive Reinforcement Expecting a horse to get into a small box, often with another horse in very close proximity is a BIG ask!   Traditional methods often use negative reinforcement or punishment to coerce the animals into the...

Effective Training?

Effective Training?

What kind of trainer am I? What is “effective” training? Trainers I admire consider the needs of the dog, the people, and the community. Everyone matters, and everyone’s safety, perceived safety, and quality of life is important.  I worry that the extremely positive...

Building Resiliency

Building Resiliency

Building ResiliencyIf your dog needs help with resiliency, we need to consider many areas of their life.  Are they getting enough quality sleep? Are they getting the correct types of exercise and mental stimulation?  Are their emotional needs being met? The Resilience...

Virtual Training

Virtual Training

Virtual Lessons   When COVID hit and we started using Zoom to help people virtually, I figured it was a good option considering we couldn't meet in person.  But guess what? People had amazing results! It turns out, that for many dogs and people, learning...

Reactivity Workshop Series

Reactivity Workshop Series

Reactivity Workshop SeriesThis is a repeat of our popular workshop series to explore reactivity and the training choices we make to help our dogs. Sign up for one or all three.     When? Jan 19, Jan 26, & Feb 2, 6:30-8:30 PM Where? Beban Park, Room 1 Cost?...

That Dog Isn’t Actually Friendly

That Dog Isn’t Actually Friendly

That Dog Isn't Actually FriendlyI'm walking two of my dogs up a trail, on leash as we are nearing a road. A 200+lb man is literally being dragged my way, against his will, by his two "friendly" 100lb dogs.  The owner is laughing and telling me how much trouble he is...

Stress Bucket

Stress Bucket

How Full Is Your Dog's Bucket?When a dog's Stress Bucket overflows, they can have big reactions to seemingly little things. As the saying goes, this is a case of 'the straw that broke the camels back'. If the bucket is full, even a drop can cause it to spill. When...

Good Training Practices

Good Training Practices

When training, it is important to always consider confidence.  If our dog is confident, we can build drive, speed, and enthusiasm. If our dog looses confidence, our performance will slow down and become less reliable.    Begin and end each session with easy...

Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty Training Your PuppyTraining your puppy to eliminate outdoors can be a very quick process, or can take weeks and even months.  Each puppy develops and learns at their own pace. Be patient while they learn. When your puppy eliminates, it feels good. If your puppy...

Look-At-That Game

Look-At-That Game

Look At That Game The Look-At-That game was popularized by Leslie McDevitt in her Control Unleashed program.   The basics of the game: Mark (say 'yes' or click) when your dog looks at a stimulus such as a dog, person, car, skateboard, or whatever gets your dog...

Where to Buy Toys!

Where to Buy Toys!

Where to Buy Toys?I have a lot of fun toys for the dogs and students ask where to find them. Of course check your local pet supply stores, and of course there is Amazon, here are my favourite Canadian websites. Cutesy, fluffy, tuggy ones that last: ...

Muzzle Up!

Muzzle Up!

Muzzle Up!Muzzles can be used for many reasons. Certainly, if your dog is a bite risk to yourself, other people, or animals, consider a muzzle.   I love to muzzle train my dogs in case of emergency. If your dog has a serious injury requiring veterinary care, the vet...

Covid-19 Protocols

Covid-19 Protocols

Lisa and I are doing our best to keep up with the latest government regulations and best practice regulations. Our COVID-19 class and lesson protocol document is attached. Please let us know if you have any questions. Masks are required at all indoor and outdoor group...

High Value Treats?

High Value Treats?

We use food in training for many reasons: Reinforcement drives behaviour & most dogs love eating so food is an easy reinforcer. Food allows us to reward quickly and many times in a minute. The more reps we can get in, the faster we and our dogs will learn. But Can...

Problem Behaviour: Jumping on People

Problem Behaviour: Jumping on People

"Off! OFF! OFF! For God's sake Fido, OFF!" Sound familiar?  It is embarrassing when our dog jumps on a visitor or on a person walking the trail. When you first brought Fido home, you probably weren't envisioning explaining muddy paw prints on a neighbour's jeans or...

Food Toys and Recipies

Food Toys and Recipies

Food Toys and Puzzles  Food toys and puzzles come in many varieties and have different purposes. There are: Snufflers Bat 'Em Arounders Puzzlers Chewers and Lickers Snufflers Snufflers are food toys such as snuffle mats/balls and are typically used with kibble or...

Changing Bad Habits – A Case Study

Changing Bad Habits – A Case Study

What does your pup/dog do that you wish they didn't do?   Much of dog or puppy training is helping them set good habits. To a dog, squirrel chasing is a fun activity, but in the human world this can be an annoying and dangerous habit. Barking at the mail delivery...

Rules For Fast & Reliable RECALL

Rules For Fast & Reliable RECALL

Training a dog to come when called, no matter what the distraction takes time but can be super fun for you both. Recall is one of my favourite things to train. Grab some awesome treats and toys, a long line and your dog, and lets train! If your dog is taking off,...

Dogs and Exercise – Part 1: Fetch

Dogs and Exercise – Part 1: Fetch

We all know dogs need walks and exercise. Certain breeds need more than others, younger dogs need more than seniors, and we need to be careful about how we exercise puppies. Fetch - the Good, the Bad, and the Way I Play Many dogs love a good game of fetch. I love...

On Leash Greetings

On Leash Greetings

Regularly, and again in the last few weeks, social media has been swamped with posts about why you should not allow your dog to meet other dogs while on leash. They usually show a powerful info-graphic and use compelling language. I'm here to say that if you like...

Overexcited or Distracted Dog?

Overexcited or Distracted Dog?

Do you ever take your dog on a walk or to the park and find that he seems to have suddenly gone deaf? Not only is he ignoring you, but he has forgotten that you exist? ' Is he lunging and barking at other dogs/people/skateboards/bunnies, desperately ether wanting to...

Teach Your Dog to Offer Attention

Teach Your Dog to Offer Attention

Do you have a distracted dog? It takes some time and patience, but it's not so hard to train them to want to pay attention.  People often tell me that when there are distractions, their dog doesn't pay attention to them, won't come when called, won't sit when told to,...

Tug Basics

Tug Basics

Should You Tug With Your Dog? Absolutely! You may have heard some reasons not play tug: It makes your dog aggressive He will learn to bite you Don’t let him win – you need to be the dominant one You’ll teach him it is okay to growl at you Firstly, all of the above is...