🐾How does your dog PLAY?What is your dog's play style? Does your dog like to play with toys? Chase games? With other dogs? Or maybe not at all? For many dogs, play comes naturally. For others, particularly for anxious or easily over-aroused dogs, we can teach them to play. When we play and when our dogs play, our bodies are practicing how to get out of scary situations without all the cortisol and stress that comes with an actual fight or flight situation. Here is a video of J playing with a toy. She LOVES LOVES...Read more
🔍Can you say "No" to your dog?Wait! Wait! Don't send the hate mail just yet! It is ok, and for many dogs, important that you be able to say "No" to your dog... but we don't need to use the word no. "No" does not mean "No, or else..." Instead, can you say these things to your dog? No, we aren't playing right now. No, you can't go visit that person/dog right now. No, that food on the coffee table isn't for you. No, you can't have the treat in my pocket. And, you don't actually have to use the word "no". I tend to use softer...Read more
🔍Are You Missing Crucial Pieces?Even with a great training plan, but without the supporting foundation pieces you may not progress. There are many pieces of the puzzle that makes your dog who they are. Here are two of the common ones I see missed in a training plan. Is your dog getting enough sleep? Do they know how to just chill and have a rest day? Can you drink your mornign coffee or eat a meal in peace? This one piece is missing for a lot of reactive dogs. We keep them busy, keep them enriched, keep them tired.. but we...Read more
➡️Prioritize Progress Over Perfection!Do You Ever Feel stuck? Do you feel paralyzed? Does fear of making mistakes hold you back from even trying? Are you overwhelmed trying to remember all of the things you're supposed to watch and all of the things you're supposed to do? You matter! You and your dog are a team. I'm sure you've heard that we need to break behaviours down into small pieces that our dogs can learn. We break skills and games down into pieces to set our dogs up for success. Don't forget to do that for yourself as...Read more
The 5th Thing Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! 5 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! I hope you've enjoyed the top 5 things NOT to do and have some things to think about =) I'll soon be releasing a talk on this on Something To Trot About, so if podcasts are more your thing, check it out. If you missed one, here they all are: #1 - Assign Blame #2 - Blindly Follow #3 - Train According to a Recipe #4 - Isolate Yourself or Your Dog #5 - Compare to Others The 5th very important thing successful dog trainers don't do, or at least try not...Read more
5 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! #45 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! Have you been following along with the series If you missed them. you can find all of them and more tips here. It is important to put effort into our training plan of course, but also into identifying habits that might be counteracting or impeding our training progress. #4 - Isolate Yourself or Your Dog When we have a dog who struggles, it is easy to just stay home. And, to be fair, if that is the decision you make, that is ok too. Sometimes the...Read more
5 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! #35 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! Welcome back! Did you catch Tip #2? Today's tip is very important, and often is why individual or small group training is more effective than reading a book or following an on-demand online course. Feedback from your trainer, specific to your dog's challenges will help you understand your dog and progress more quickly than on your own. You are only as good as your worst habit. #3 - Train According to a Recipe Successful, effective dog trainers don't...Read more
5 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! #25 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! It's important to think about all of our habits as a whole so that we can have the best experiences and have effective training. Bad habits drag us down, tire, and frustrate us. In case you missed it, here is yesterday's tip: #1 - Assign Blame #2 - Blindly Follow Particularly when we are paying for an 'expert', it can be hard to question them. We may have a sense of inferiority (they are the expert after all) or worry that if we ask questions, that...Read more
5 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! #15 Things Successful Dog Trainers DON'T Do! Wait a minute, aren't we supposed to phrase things in a positive way? Tell you what TO do rather than what NOT to do? Here's the catch, even when we do all of the right things, if we are still practicing bad habits our training won't progress. Over the next few days, I will share the top 5 things NOT to do =) I'll also be chatting about this on Something To Trot About, so stay tuned! #1 - Assigning Blame Blaming our dog isn't productive. Or FAIR....Read more
Listen now - Play! Why and HowPlay! Do you play with your dog? With your horse? Play is an important part of behaviour modification plans for many reasons. It's also one of the best ways to develop a bond with and to learn to communicate with your pet. Give it a listen! Other Free Resources FB Reactivity Group FB Puppy Group Relaxation Protocol Podcast Podcast Blog The Next Leash Reactivity Deep Dive Begins Jan 2025 Check out the LEASH REACTIVITY DEEP-DIVE, my group mentorship program in which I spend 8 weeks with a small...Read more
Listen now - Bite Like Momma Dog!We're Back! After taking the fall off from podcasting, Erin and I are back! Monthly podcast episodes are coming your way where Erin and I talk about all things dog training. Have you heard people or trainers justify the use of pain in training by saying things along the lines of "the mother dog corrects puppies, so we... "? In this episode Erin and I tackle that concept, and take a few tangents along the way, as usual. If you have a topic you'd like to have our take on, please reply to this...Read more
Day 6! Find Your Spark - Free Resources 💥Free Resources Thank you for joining me for the last 5 days. I've had a lot of fun putting these emails together and I hope you have had fun learning some of the foundations I teach to both treat and prevent reactivity and behaviour issues. Below are some of my other FREE resources. Enjoy! Happy Holidays, Christina FB Reactivity Group FB Puppy Group Relaxation Protocol Podcast Podcast Blog The Next Leash Reactivity Deep Dive Begins Jan 2025 Check out the LEASH REACTIVITY DEEP-DIVE, my group...Read more
Day 5! Find Your Spark 💥Find Your Spark! Day 5 Wow.. day 5 already! I hope you enjoyed the games and videos! I could easily fill 15 days with games that help address or prevent reactivity, but I had to stop myself =) Before we get into today's topic, here's a little game I started with my three that incorporates some of the other day's games together. If you only have one dog, you can still practice these skills. Ask your dog to station while you set up, organize your treats, go grab a glass of water, etc. Here's...Read more
Day 4! Find Your Spark 💥Find Your Spark! Day 4 Oops I did it again! In the FB group, there's ANOTHER freebie =) It also expires Dec 16th, so go grab it now! If you aren't already a member, be sure to join the FB Group to get the freebie. Today's game is one I consider a critical skill in a multidog home and is especially valuable for dogs who: can be overexcited, have issues with other dogs, struggle when people come to the house, live with other pets, participate in sports, or have resource guarding issues. It's...Read more
Day 3! Find Your Spark 💥Find Your Spark! Day 3 Ready for more fun? Today's game allows you to sit back and relax while your dog learns, builds confidence, and tires themself out! If you aren't already a member, be sure to join the FB Group where you'll see fun videos and pictures of others playing with their pups. Today's game is one of my favourite activities for dogs with: low confidence, body handling issues, a need for physical stimulation, higher prey drive, sound sensitivity, or busy guardians who would like...Read more
Day 2! Find Your Spark 💥Find Your Spark! Day 2 Ready for more fun? How is Day 1's game going? Post a video if you'd like feedback or just want to show off your smart dog =) Today, we are talking about Trick Training. If you aren't already a member, be sure to join the FB Group where you'll find a special free bonus gift! The offer expires Dec 16th though, so grab yours soon, even if you don't have time to play until later. Below I will start with some beginner tricks and work up to more advanced ones. Most of the...Read more
Day 1: Find Your Spark 💥Find Your Spark! Day 1 Welcome! I'm so glad to have you. If you aren't already a member, be sure to join the FB Group where you'll find the interactive parts of this 5 day training. There are SO MANY games we can play at home, away from anything stressful, that will help our reactive dogs out in the world or wherever they struggle. We can build skills, train impulse control, and have fun with our dogs right in the safety of your living room. You can post your progress there for feedback (or...Read more
💥Don't Miss This Crucial Game!This is the very first game I teach dogs who come into my home. It teaches them SO MANY important foundation skills! Dogs of all ages can play and learn foundations for living politely in a home with other dogs and with kids, to prevent counter surfing, for recall, to prevent resource guarding, and so much more! So what is it? Reverse Luring! I first learned this from Julie Symons but you may have learned a similar game from other instructors called Its Yer Choice (Susan Garrett), Zen Hand...Read more
You don't need a BEHAVIOURIST!Wait.. isn't that what I am? A Behaviourist? Actually no, I'm not =) Dog training is an unregulated industry. What this means is that anyone can call themselves a Dog Trainer, a Behaviour Consultant, or a Behaviourist, or any other term they want to use. You know how you'd be in a lot of trouble if you called yourself a Doctor, a Dentist, a Psychologist, or even a Dental Hygienist? Not the case for dog training and that is the difference between regulated or unregulated industries. Typically,...Read more
👉Trading Can Create Resource Guarding: Watch Now!What is your very favourite meal or desert? Imagine if each time you were eating this, I came up, gave you $20, and took your food. Maybe I give it back, or maybe I don't. Either way, you won't be excited to see me coming. Worse, imagine each time you are eating, I approach you, stir my hand around in your food, look you in the eyes, and walk away. Pretty annoying right? Traditional methods of treating or preventing resource guarding can cause MORE anxiety and MORE guarding. Instead of...Read more
ANXIOUS animal? Stop using high value treats!Imagine there's a grizzly bear on the street outside your house. If there was a $10 bill stuck to its bum, would you go get it? What if there was $100,000 stuck there with a little piece of tape? What if it was $1,000,000? Eventually, the reward would be worth the risk for most of us and you would sneak up on that bear, heart pounding, body flooded with adrenaline and cortisol. Hopefully you come away unscathed and with a big wad of cash! Would you now love and trust bears? Not likely! When...Read more
Opting out.. Can we let our dogs say "No"?Opting Out When we are anxious, control helps us feel better. The same goes for our dogs. It can be very hard for us humans to let go of control, allowing our dogs to say "No" BUT it helps them feel so much better! Of course, sometimes saying no isn't an option and that is ok. We can pick these times wisely and prepare our dogs for those harder times. Most decisions however are not life or death. We can help our dogs build confidence if we just listen and give them a voice =) Feed them for...Read more
Deep Dive starts in 6 Days! & Maxi's Story <3Whew, I cannot believe that the Leash Reactivity Deep Dive starts in less than a week! It is going to be so much fun <3 You may have noticed that emails were coming out pretty regularly, then stopped abruptly. Unfortunately last week we got some bad news about our old girl Maxi during her routine vet exam. We decided the kindest thing was to let her go. Because of this loss I didn't have the bandwidth to send emails. She's been gone for a few days and we miss her like crazy. It's a little...Read more
Level Up Your Reactivity Training! Try "Glance & Go"Training reactive dogs can feel complex and confusing. There are so many games already, why do we need another one? This game is the number one thing I do with reactive dogs adn it grew from a host of other games that may all have been great, but didn't quite accomplish my goal. I'm sorry, this is a long one! Sit back with a cup of tea, read and think =) Relaxation My goal for our reactive dogs is for them to RELAX near the trigger, whether that's another dog, wildlife, a man in a hat, kids,...Read more
Is your dog the CREEPY guy at the bus stop?Ok, so your dog probably doesn't spend a lot of time waiting at a bus stop. Dogs are not people, and people are not dogs, but sometimes it is handy to use analogies to help understand behaviour. This is where ‘Bus Stop Manners’ comes in. What are ‘Bus Stop Manners’? Imagine you are sitting at a bus stop, or at a park bench or sitting at the food court in a mall… you get my drift. A person sits down beside you, staring intently at you, not breaking their gaze, not blinking, just staring. You...Read more
Why are we so OBSESSED about when and how they eat?"I don't want my dog to eat stuff from the ground." "I don't want my horse to eat when I'm riding." When we are afraid or anxious about something, it makes us feel better if we can control it. Maybe you have had a dog who needs abdominal surgery for eating rocks, or ended up at emerg when your dog found and ate drugs on a trail. I bet you've at least heard about dogs who have ended up in those situations. Maybe you've had a horse pull you across the trail to eat grass, or even worse, pulled...Read more
Are you tired? Is your dog tired? I get a lot of calls that go something like this: "My dog is so unpredictable. They love snuggling, but sometimes they snap when we go near them on the couch." or "My puppy is great about their chews/food/toys, but every now and then if I go too close, they snap. I don't understand why!" or "My dog was doing great! This summer though, something changed. It's like they are a different dog. They are snapping and cranky all the time." And then I ask a few questions: How much sleep does your dog...Read more
When do we stop with the cookies?How can we train our dogs to listen enthusiastically without carrying hands full of cheese around all the time? The secret is to REWARD EFFORT. If we are asking our dog to learn something new, or if they are trying, but not quite accomplishing what we hoped for, reward them. If we ask something of our dog and it's neither new nor challenging, we can reward intermittently... every now and then, but not every time. That's the key to fading out the cookies. Reward hard tasks or effort with a...Read more
Does your dog opt IN or opt OUT of training?What does it mean for a dog to "opt in" or "opt out" of training? Does your dog love to play games with you unless something else is going on? Or unless you are in a busy environment? In the past, we would try to coerce dogs into working using deprivation and/or punishment. We would skip feeding them before training, keep them crated unless working, or punish them either physically or by putting them in a crate if they disengaged from what we considered their job at the time. Please don't do...Read more
Help your reactive dog make friends! 2738 Holden Corso Rd, Nanaimo, BC v9x 1n5Unsubscribe · Preferences Some dogs are very social and want canine friends, but don’t feel comfortable or have the skills to meet friends in a polite manner. Other dogs either aren’t very social and aren’t interested, or may have concerning behaviours that make it safer to avoid up-close interactions with other dogs. If you have a social dog, when we work on their reactivity or dog issues, we often get to a point where we’d like to help them make...Read more
Are you a micromanager?Control gives us confidence For anyone who is anxious, having control makes us feel safer & more confident. A lot of us are anxious about various aspects of training or living with our dogs. If we train our dogs a lot, and they can respond to a lot of cues: sit when we ask, go to a bed when we ask, eat a cookie scatter when we ask, maybe look at us or jump up on a bench when we ask.. then we can control their reactions right? Maybe. If you know you can toss a treat or cookie scatter at your...Read more
What about YOUR resiliency?Resiliency is a bit of a buzz word in dog training these days. In case you missed all the hype, resiliency is the ability to successfully adapt to stressors, maintaining psychological well-being in the face of adversity. basically, a resilient dog can face and overcome challenges more easily than a dog who is not resilient. It's not as simple as that, but that's the general idea. The more resilient your dog is, the better =) We have all sorts of tests and games (and even a rainbow!) to...Read more
It's normal to be afraid. Do it anyways, but do it smart. As women it is normal to be afraid to take risks. It's socially and genetically programmed into us. "Be a good girl.", "She's a sweet little girl.", "She never misbehaves." Our worth as females is socially tied to how obedient we are and how well we follow rules. Taking risks and making mistakes doesn't fit well into that picture! Do it afraid, but do it smart. It is ok to make mistakes. You will not break your dog if you make small frequent mistakes. In fact, without risk taking, you can get...Read more
STOP asking your dog to look at you! This is absolutely the most common and biggest mistake I see people making. OK, so it's not actually that simple. When you are working on recall, on attention around distractions that your dog finds interesting, or obedience type stuff, we absolutely want to either ask our dog to look at us and pay them a treat, or wait for them to look at us and then give them that treat or toy or whatever. But not when we are training a reactive dog. Reactivity training is different. We WANT our dogs to...Read more
The one thing I want ALL dogs to know! No matter age, size, how social a dog is, how anxious or how confident the dog is, whether they live alone or in a pack, are a brand new puppy, adolescent, or senior... there is one thing all dogs need to know. We can go for walks with or past other dogs WITHOUT INTERACTING We don't have to say hi, we don't have to sniff bums, and we don't have to play. Really! 😉 When our dogs learn that now every dog is a potential threat or playmate, we take a lot of the arousal/excitement out of...Read more
Thinking of signing up? Bonus stationing course!Still sitting on the fence? Considering joining the Deep Dive? This is my super popular mentorship program in which I spend 8 weeks with a small group of people struggling with dogs who fight at home. Because this is a custom experience and I get to know each of you and your dogs intimately, space is limited to only 6 people. DAILY accountability, interaction, conversation & in-the-moment coaching, Tuesday through Saturday. WEEKLY live sessions to ask questions and discuss any challenges....Read more
The FREE webinar tomorrow! And the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm excited to see everyone tomorrow! Helping dogs live peacefully at home is one of my passions. Not sure what I'm talking about? Here is the link with all the info: https://positivedogebook.lpages.co/webinar-fighting-at-home/ Just last weekend I was at an event with my besties and two of us set up together, with all of our dogs joining us under our canopies. Initially, I made a big mistake adn assumed my young dog could handle sharing her space with the others, even in that very exciting...Read more
I hate the word "Distract"Ok, so "hate" might be a bit strong of a word =) But I really struggle with the word. Here's the thing... if we are using food to distract our dogs, we are managing, not training. Ideally, we use food to help our dogs build new habits and change emotional states. Sniffing as a displacement behaviour Anxious dogs will often sniff to avoid conflict or pressure. This is a natural canine behaviour designed to communicate to others that a dog wants space. There are a lot of ways we can...Read more
What is 2+2?If I asked you "What is 2+2?", you could probably tell me. You probably don't have to think hard before answering, even if you were busy or stressed. Even in a difficult situation, you likely know the answer. Why can you so easily recall the answer to 2+2? Because you did many repetitions on a daily basis for a long time. And once you knew it, other skills were built upon that skill. It became routine. This is what we need for our dogs! With dogs who struggle with fighting in the home or with...Read more
Is this normal???Do you ever find yourself watching your puppy or dog and wondering if their behaviour is 'normal'? Unsure if you should intervene or if they are just fine? Erin and I created a 10 episode podcast series of Small Bites, short 5-10 minute chats on puppy behaviour and things to watch for. Check it out! Cookie Challenge Update If you tried on the weekend and the link didn't work, I am so sorry! It is fixed now =) Plus, I posted a Live earlier today showing how I start this game, creating...Read more
Join the Cookie Challenge!Teach our dogs impulse control in a positive way that builds patience. thoughtfulness, and optimism. This is an important skill for dogs who struggle in a multi dog home, as well as for reactive dogs! The Cookie Challenge Join the Facebook Group I hope to see you there! Christina, Maxi, Enzo, Riker, Jubilee, and guest pup Eddie! 2738 Holden Corso Rd, Nanaimo, BC v9x 1n5Unsubscribe · PreferencesRead more
Dogs aren't fur babies.. however... Even though our dogs aren't actually fur babies or tiny humans, they do feel many of the same emotions as we do. Humans, dog, horses, and other mammals all feel anger, fear, disgust, joy, and sadness. Dogs feel all of these things, yet we can't reason with them like you would with a human. Dogs don't have morals - a sense of right or wrong. They simply do what feels good and what gets them the things they want. Genetics play a huge factor in what dogs want. Some dogs were bred to guard, so...Read more
Hey.. That's not fair!If you live in a home with multiple pets, it is tempting to try to always be 'fair'. If one dog is allowed on the couch, the others should be too. Right? Actually nope, that's not true. Each dog has their own particular set of needs. How much exercise and how much food a dog needs often makes sense to people. Individual needs extends to more than that though. The amount of sleep or quiet time, affection, space all vary by dog. I could take my border collies to a class and a hike 5 days a...Read more
Uggghh... why is it so hard to do nothing?Some of us feel compelled to stay busy, to always be productive. A very busy border collie. Why is it so hard to do NOTHING??? We compare ourselves to border collies or blame our traditional upbringing. "Idle hands.." Many people feel so guilty for not entertaining our dogs all day, for not walking miles every day, or providing all of the enrichment activities we watch on social media. If this is you, please stop. Give yourself and your dog a break =) We all need rest days Have you ever gone...Read more
Progress stalled?Often, we get a little fixated on addressing a certain problem and can't see the bigger picture. If we have a training plan and aren't progressing, it's helpful to take a step back and ask ourselves if the training problem is actually a problem or is it a symptom of a problem? If you don't have a concrete training plan or if you aren't sure what your training plan is, that's a whole different problem 😉 Underlying Reasons for Behaviour Challenges Often a behaviour challenge stems from unmet...Read more
Is it your fault?"Your dog is reacting to your fear." "You are anxious so your dog is anxious." "You just need to be more dominant. Show them who's boss." "You spoil that dog. Stop letting them get away with that!" How many times have you heard those things? People mean well, they really do. Well, usually =) The odd person is just a jerk 😉 But overall, people do have good intentions, they just don't understand. And until they have had a dog like yours, and experiences like yours, they aren't likely to...Read more
Does the thought of walking your dog making you anxious?Would you almost rather go to the dentist than take your dog for a walk? Often our training plans only consider our dog's needs, and not our own personal needs and comfort level. Walking and training your dog is a team effort - both of you matter! Start from a place of success For many people, starting form a place of success is starting by having a a cup of coffee on your front step with your dog. Heck, you can even start by training inside looking out a window or TV, or even training from...Read more
Feel like you train and train and just don't seem to get there?Often, behaviour challenges in our dogs are a symptom of missing foundation skills rather than the actual problem. When we try to train the 'problem' whether it is leash reactivity, resource guarding, fighting in the home, or anything else, we might see little or no progress. If we aren't seeing significant progress with our training program, or we feel like we are playing whack-a-mole with new challenges coming up all the time, we need a new plan. Positive Training Didn't Work Unfortunately,...Read more
New Webinars for a great causeAlong with other industry leaders, I am giving two webinars for the PPG with all profits going towards a great new research project. Events with Christina Young From Cautious to Confident: Fun and Games for Shy Dogs AND Their People Wednesday, April 24 2:30-3:30 PM EDT Register & Support Science! Leaving Conflict Behind: Skills to Reduce Intra-Household Aggression Wednesday, May 1 2:30-3:30 PM EDT Register & Support Science! The studies will investigate why dog trainers use specific training...Read more
Ever turned the radio down so you can look for street numbers?Sometimes when we are concentrating, it works best to take away distractions, even the good ones. I was super hesitant about on-line learning, but when COVID hit, we were all forced into that world. And guess what? After 4 years of teaching virtually and in-person, I often have better, faster progress with my on-line students than I do with my in-person ones! This is because without having to manage or train your dog at the same time, you can concentrate and truly learn the concepts of why...Read more
I hope you'll join me tomorrow =)Getting tired of hearing from me yet? I'm so excited for the webinar tomorrow and since this is my first big one that I'm hosting myself, I'm a bit anxious about all the techy stuff. For instance, I forgot to add a calendar option so you can automatically add it to your calendar instead of having to remember when it is. So.. it's tomorrow, April 1st at 10am PST =) And here is the link again, in case you are like me and keep loosing stuff: https://event.webinarjam.com/go/live/2/ypk8nu7i0s1sr...Read more
Eek! The free webinar 2 days away! ** New Link** Good morning! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. This webinar is very popular so I decided to upgrade where I am hosting it to a platform designed for bigger groups. If you signed up via Thinkific, I have updated the live link in your course. But, you are welcome to just keep this email and use this link: https://event.webinarjam.com/go/live/2/ypk8nu7i0s1sr We go live 10am PST Monday April 1st! FREE WEBINAR! In case you missed the announcement and are wondering what this is all about,...Read more
Reactive Dogs and Scent Work w Dianna SantosLet's Talk Reactive Dogs and Scent Work with Dianna Santos Did you catch the latest episode of All About Scent Work? I was thrilled to talk with Dianna about how we can use nosework to help our reactive dogs. Dianna is such a lovely host and so easy to talk to! I hope to chat with her again soon. New Webinars! I am excited to be partnering with Scent Work University offering webinars on training and competing with reactive dogs! The first Webinar airs live April 29th. Stay tuned for more...Read more
It's SOOO easy to create sneaky dogsEver known a dog who would NEVER steal food from the counter ... until the moment your back is turned? What about a puppy who sneaks off to pee behind a couch? How about a dog who steals your sunglasses and happily chews them to bits on your bed, out of sight? Chances are, these pups were all trained to be sneaky! We have all done this.. myself included. It took me way longer than I'd like to admit to learn this lesson. When we punish a dog (even just using a stern voice) for doing things we...Read more
I had to advocate for Riker.. and it felt ickyI had to advocate for Riker.. and it felt icky Riker’s monthly visits to the vet are hard for him. After each visit, his fear of car rides comes back for a few days, and his tolerance for the other dogs at home decreases. He is not a resilient pup and I have to be careful about his stress levels. For the last year, we have had a handling plan that works for him: I hold him for his injection in the waiting room of the vet's office. At the latest monthly visit I was told that Riker’s handling...Read more
FREE leash reactivity webinarI am excited to offer a FREE webinar on leash reactivity. So many of you struggle to walk your dogs and I find myself sharing the same information over and over again with each new student. On April 1st, we will touch on some of the commonly missed key parts of fixing leash reactivity and getting you back enjoying walks. Don't get me wrong, there is no quick fix and not all dogs will become laid back and relaxed walking partners, but it makes us so much more confident when we know how to help...Read more